Mangochi BOMA Zone Teachers welfare has conducted its first ever Annual General Meeting (AGM) with commitment to improve its welfare services by working together with the country’s leading Cooperative, the United Civil Servants SACCO.
Speaking during the AGM at Mangochi CCAP hall, chairperson for the grouping Elinor Ajinga said the group’s aim is to improve teachers welfare.
“We are very grateful to United Civil Servants SACCO for providing financial assistance towards our AGM. We are also delighted to note that United Civil Servants SACCO offers various welfare premiums. This is resonating well with the core objective of our grouping.”said Ajinga.
“Today a lot of teachers under our banner have registered and joined United Civil Servants SACCO for further welfare services. This signifies the trust that our members have in United Civil Servants SACCO.” She added.
For his part, guest of honour at the function who is the Principle Officer at Mangochi District Education Manager’s office Phillip Payenda emphasised the need for teachers and the citizenry at large to belong to well established institutions that have the welfare of their members at heart.
Taking his turn, head of Operations at United Civil Servants SACCO Francis Kandonga pledged continued support to Mangochi BOMA Zone teachers Welfare.
“We are glad to have partnered with Mangochi BOMA zone teachers welfare. A good number of our members at United Civil servants SACCO are teachers and we are planning to conduct a free financial training to members of Mangochi BOMA zone teachers welfare so that they are able to efficiently save money and improve their welfare management skills.” said Kandonga.

The AGM begun with a parade from St.August 3 to the District Education Manager’s office in Mangochi.

Mangochi BOMA Zone teachers welfare was established in 2022 and currently it has 450 members.